Chemise noire moderne avec une brillance subtile dans du satin. Portez cette chemise en soirée pour être au centre des attentions. Commandez notre design tout prêt ou bien personnalisez à votre guise. Cousue d'après vos propres mensurations.
100% Coton Longues Fibres
Tissage en satin noir avec un joli drapé et un lustre clair mais subtil qui le rend fantastique. Repassage facile.
139 commentaires des clients dans votre langue et en anglais.
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S.N., 2018-12-10
"Very beautiful looking and smooth to the touch. It picks up lint like crazy, however."
B.F., 2018-11-07
"Solid...great for the cooler months"
D.M., 2018-10-02
"I wish it required less ironing. When I ordered I didn't know the difference between the materials, Some explanation would be helpful."
J.L., 2018-09-27
"Le tissus ne semble pas de bonne qualité. Effet brillant très cheap."
M.S., 2018-09-24
"This fabric has a light denim type texture to me.Its a great fabric to wear casual dress with a tye or solo untucked just make sure you get the measurements on the bottom to when you put the shirt on the shirt is halfway or a little less than your halfway point of your zipper"
B.C., 2018-09-19
"The fabric is very hard and itchy. Not good quality material"
P.P., 2018-08-28
"I wish I could have been sent samples of the other black shirt fabrics just for future reference."
K.D., 2018-08-18
"the fabric is the nicest i've owned on a shirt"
J.R., 2018-08-13
"Fabric is good, but it doesn't fit me"
B.Z., 2018-06-21