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Quality over quantity: made-to-order vs. mass-produced clothing

We’re everything that mass-produced apparel is not. Instead of producing clothes in bulk, we produce only by order and keep no inventory. This way, there’s less waste and no excessive production, leading to a more sustainable production culture.

Gone are the days of browsing apparel stores online and in-person searching for clothing that fits your body and your style. Today, thanks to made-to-order clothing stores like Tailor Store, you can design your ideal clothing with the fit of a lifetime. Call it clothing made by you, for you.
And if, like Tom Ford, you believe dressing well is a form of good manners, then you'll undoubtedly treasure made-to-order clothing. It’s a welcome deviation from mass-produced clothing and fast fashion. If you’ve not already transitioned to custom-made clothing, perhaps reflecting on the drawbacks of mass-produced clothing will prompt you to jump ship.

The Downsides of Mass-Produced Clothing

Mass-produced clothing is profitable because manufacturers value quantity over quality, and it works by maximizing production at the lowest possible costs. Between expedited production and satisfying the ever-increasing demand for affordable clothing, imperfections invariably leak through. Mass-manufactured clothing threatens the environment and leads to workers’ exploitation.

Environment Degradation

Globally, the garment industry is the second largest source of water pollution. Growing inorganic cotton used in the mass production of clothes is chemical-intensive. Synthetic fabrics used in manufacturing, contain toxic elements that pollute land and water when not properly disposed of.
Despite improved waste management and nationwide recycling efforts over the past 50 years, clothing waste has increased by 500% in landfills. People are quicker to throw away garments. In fact, research indicates the average number of times a piece of clothing is worn before being disposed of has decreased by 36% in the last 15 years.

Additionally, textile waste — such as dead stock, blemished fabrics, and materials like trims and yarns — contributes to environmental pollution.

Lower Quality

Mass-produced clothing is lower quality than made-to-order apparel. Instead of utilizing high-quality fabrics like Pima cotton, Mulberry silk, and linen to create their products, fast fashion brands use cheaper materials such as oil-based synthetics and polyester. They bleach these fabrics with toxic chemicals and dyes and complete the designs using inferior craftsmanship.

Exploitation of Workers

Mass production of apparel requires either a vast labor force or mechanization of production. Few fashion brands have the financial muscle to mechanize production, so human labor has become the go-to option. Thus, most manufacturers outsource production to underdeveloped countries with affordable labor. Some brands take advantage of lax labor laws in such countries and underpay workers or exploit child labor.

The Benefits of Custom-Made Clothing

Mass-produced clothing is a constant production cycle, and the machines and people are always on the clock — it’s what the embryonic phase of consumerism looks like. The everyday solution to every fashion brand's challenges seems to be added inventory. So much so that fast fashion now has 52 micro-seasons in a year, which results in massive dead stocks as apparel falls out of style as fast as it's produced. Custom-made clothing is everything that mass-produced apparel is not. Instead of producing clothes in bulk, made-to-order brands like Tailor Store only produce by order and keep no inventory. If you order a sky blue polo shirt and a pair of navy stretch chinos, a made-to-order company will produce them in the exact quantity you request. This way, there’s less waste and no excessive production, leading to a more sustainable production culture.

Superior Quality Apparel

Made-to-order clothing brands source top-quality fabrics, including 100% long-staple cotton, twill cotton, wool, linen, and 100% Pima cotton.

Plus, you have the ability to choose your fabric quality rather than limiting your choices to a few fabric types. This gives you full autonomy to try out multiple high-quality fabrics. True, rocking quality clothing feels fantastic. But it’s even more special when you’ve co-tailored the outfit.

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Tailor Store Has You Covered

Choosing custom, made-to-order clothing is better all around. It's better fitting, better for the environment, and better for workers. When you shop at Tailor Store, we offer you a perfect fit guarantee for your first-time purchases. You can design your clothes online to preview your creation. When you’re satisfied with your design, our seasoned team of skilled tailors brings your design to life using only the best fabric quality. Let us help you own and style your wardrobe.

We're reshaping the clothing industry

We’re all about making good, quality custom clothing to be worn and loved over time. We’re passionate about changing the way you look at clothing and changing the way they’re made. We want nothing more than for you to join us. It’s time to start wearing clothes that fit, for real.

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