A modern light blue business shirt. Wear this shirt with a pair of chinos for a classic business look. Order our recommended design or customize it to your preference. Made to your measurements.
100% Long Staple Cotton
Light blue satin weave with nice draping and a clear but subtle luster that makes it look and feel fantastic. Easy iron.
191 reviews in English.
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"Ziet er heel goed uit."
C.V., 2019-02-18
"The fabric is thicker than I expected"
J.B., 2019-02-18
"The fabric is good quality, I haven't wash it yet so I cannot comment about shrinking or anything else, we will see."
I.I., 2019-02-12
"I like the fabric and overall style."
I.S., 2019-02-08
"Te glansend"
J.T., 2019-02-08
"Kunne tenkt meg et stoff med litt mindre glans"
I.Å., 2019-02-05
"Etter et par gangers bruk virker stoffet bra, men mindre lettstrøket enn forventet ut fra beskrivelsen."
T.J., 2019-01-29
"Te veel glans"
A.R., 2019-01-25
"Good for general ware, would go for a slightly better quality if I was warring it to a more high class event."
W.S., 2018-12-31
"glans in de stof vind ik persoonlijk wat minder mooi en was niet te zien tijdens bestellen"
M.V., 2018-12-23