Tissage en satin bleu clair avec un joli drapé et un lustre clair mais subtil qui le rend fantastique. Repassage facile.
221 commentaires des clients dans votre langue et en anglais.
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"The fabric is thicker than I expected"
J.B., 2019-02-18
"The fabric is good quality, I haven't wash it yet so I cannot comment about shrinking or anything else, we will see."
I.I., 2019-02-12
"I like the fabric and overall style."
I.S., 2019-02-08
"Te glansend"
J.T., 2019-02-08
"Kunne tenkt meg et stoff med litt mindre glans"
I.Å., 2019-02-05
"Etter et par gangers bruk virker stoffet bra, men mindre lettstrøket enn forventet ut fra beskrivelsen."
T.J., 2019-01-29
"Te veel glans"
A.R., 2019-01-25
"Good for general ware, would go for a slightly better quality if I was warring it to a more high class event."
W.S., 2018-12-31
"glans in de stof vind ik persoonlijk wat minder mooi en was niet te zien tijdens bestellen"
M.V., 2018-12-23
"The shiny fabric used for this, isn't one I'd choose for a shirt."
R.M., 2018-12-23