Modernes schwarzes Satin-Hemd mit leichtem Glanz. Tragen Sie das Hemd zu einer Party und Sie werden zum Mittelpunkt eines jeden Festes. Bestellen Sie dieses Design oder passen Sie Ihr Hemd nach Ihren persönlichen Wünschen an. Maßgeschneidert.
100% Langstapelige Baumwolle
Schwarzes Satin-Gewebe mit schönem Faltenwurf und einem klaren, aber dezenten Glanz, der es fantastisch aussehen und sich anfühlen lässt. Leicht zu bügeln.
280 Kundenbewertungen
"I am blown away by how comfortable this shirt is. It fits me perfectly. It even came with a collar. I Will definitely order more in the future"
I.H., 2024-02-12
"Perfekt. So wie es sein soll."
J.F., 2024-02-12
"I love this shirt. The fabric is comfortable and looks much better than some of the thin cotton shirts that I have seen. The quality is evident!"
P.A., 2024-01-31
"I will never buy a dress shirt anywhere else."
A.M., 2024-01-26
"No surprise. Perfect fit and outstanding quality. I have been buying for over 10 years and never have been disappointed. Great quality shirts and service. I like the satin look and feel and ease to maintain. Always looks sharp."
P.G., 2024-01-10
"Supernöjd med allt. Det jag ångrar är att jag inte fått tummarna loss och beställt tidigare...."
J.H., 2023-10-27
"Fr Gleen was very satisfied with the fit and quality of the shirt I ordered for him and as a result he ordered 2 more. thank you for all your hard work. As a sewer I appreciated the workmanship. I also liked the material you used, we don't have something like this in the USA."
O.B., 2023-09-28
"Love it, the fabric is beautiful and it looks so classy."
T.B., 2023-07-23
"Shirt fitted really well. The material felt lovely and was of very good quality. Great workmanship. Know where to get my shirts now. Excellent company."
W.M., 2023-07-16
"The Best quality"
D.S., 2023-02-11