skræddersyet 300,000+ kunder Gratis ændringsgaranti Gratis forsendelse

Navy Henley-skjorte

Parker, navy

4.6/5 (464 bedømmelser)
549 kr
Fås også i
  • Gratis forsendelse
  • Pasformsgaranti
  • Fremstillet af 100% Pimabomuld
  • Krave Henley
  • Behageligt langt ærme

Skræddarsyet langærmet Henley-skjorte i navy for et moderne look. Den er ekstra blød at røre ved og fremstillet af 100 % Pima-bomuld.

Parker, navy

100% Pimabomuld

Parker marineblå er vores bløde single jersey-strik i pima-bomuld med naturlig stretch, lavet i 100 % bomuld.

Parker, navy

Lignende produkter

Parker, white
T-shirt i hvid
449 kr
Parker, charcoal
T-shirt i charcoal
349 kr
Parker, white
T-shirt i hvid
349 kr


(464 bedømmelser )

13 kundeanmeldelser

"Great fit usinng magic fit, and the fabric is really good quality, this shirt is going to last a long time."

, 2023-12-12

"These T-shirts are an incredible value for money! The quality and comfort they offer far surpass their price. I'm thrilled with my purchase and highly recommend them to anyone looking for affordable yet top-notch basics."

, 2023-11-02

"«Glinset» og litt stivt"

, 2022-12-17

"Very nice! I wish the fabric was a little more breathable and stretchy."

, 2022-09-01

"It felt like hospital scrubs."

, 2022-08-17

"Excellent and just the right thickness"

, 2022-07-28

"Kraftigt t-shirt tyg"

, 2022-06-25


, 2021-11-25

"Tissu sympa."

, 2021-10-04


, 2021-09-28

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