Luksuriøs hvid business-skjorte. Dette skjortestof er lavet af fransk oxford af høj kvalitet og har en attraktiv struktur og en diskret glans. Perfekt, når du vil have en mere robust business-skjorte. Match med en formpasset blazer. Nem at stryge. Skræddersyet til dine mål.
100% Bomuld
Fantastisk fransk Oxford vævning, der passer perfekt til et jakkesæt. Stoffets glans bidrager til et eksklusivt look til en meget god pris.
113 kundeanmeldelser på dansk og på engelsk.
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"Lovely oxford fabric - definitely worth the price! The fabric isn't itchy and is a good weight - not too thick or too thin - making it versatile to wear in both summer and winter. The business collar makes the shirt look like a classy dress shirt - good enough to go with a suit. Does seem to crease much less than other shirts in my wardrobe so it lives up to the "easy iron" label. Very impressed overall - easily one of my favourite white shirts ever and would highly recommend it."
C.K., 2018-08-13
"I was expecting the fabric to be a little thicker and of a better quality feeling"
J.C., 2018-08-09
"The quality is very good and looks good on as well."
B.H., 2018-07-11
"The quality of the fabric is very good, unfortunately the service is poor."
P.J., 2018-06-11
"Breathable and nice professional look."
M.M., 2018-06-11
"Bad fabric. Seriously guys, you have to do better."
S.S., 2018-06-04
"The fabric is thick and high quality. It says it's "easy iron," but not quite as wrinkle resistant as some of my off the rack dress shirts."
D.M., 2018-05-10
"Not quite as good as I had hoped, but without being able to feel the cloth before order, I perhaps could have chosen better."
G.B., 2018-05-04
"Poor quality for the price"
I.Y., 2018-04-19
"Great fabric"
J.C., 2018-03-16