Kastanjemelerad polotröja tillverkad av 100 % Pima-bomull. Det här högkvalitativa tyget med medelhög vikt är mjukt mot huden och har en snygg melangeeffekt.
100% Pimabomull
Kastanjebrun melering i dubbelstickat pikétyg av 100 % pimabomull. Ett mellanviktstyg i högsta kvalité med mjuk känsla. Meleringen ger färgen djup och tyget ett mjukt, modernt utseende.
2 kundrecensioner
"I'm really impressed. The custom fitting tool worked perfectly. The standout feature of this polo is the collar. So often, polos have "weak" collars that curl against the fold or at the edges, which makes them too casual for use in a professional setting. The collar on this polo is well-structured, even after a few washes, so you can wear this in business-casual settings. Overall, I'm very impressed. No need to buy polos off the rack anymore. I do hope they expand their fabric types, but if you want a pique, this fabric is excellent."
E.H., 2023-07-18
"Feels thin"