Malinda is our go-to person for daily target calculations, balance sheets, and essentially all things production-related. Let’s check in on him and his day-to-day tasks!
Role in the company: Production Coordinating Executive
Years at Tailor Store: 1 ½ years
Hi, Malinda! What does a typical day at work look like for you?
I manage a lot of the sample coordination as well as identifying and resolving any production issues. I work closely with our production manager in order to ensure that the daily production runs as smoothly as possible.
What’s your favorite part of your job?
I would say working closely together with everyone involved in the process to ensure sample handlings gets completed is the favorite part about my job. I also enjoy that I’m able to learn new sewing methods and gain more knowledge about new machines in our production.
Who you work alongside the most?
For the most part, I work closely with our director, production manager, and Product coordinating executive. I also have almost daily contact with our main office in Sweden.
What do you appreciate the most about working at Tailor Store?
I like that we have a unique concept with well-maintained quality garments and well-developed internal systems which makes communication between Sri Lanka and Sweden highly efficient. I also appreciate that I’m able to gain more knowledge and exposure to new raw materials which I find very interesting.
Are there any challenges you face within your assignments?
You never know which challenges you’re going to face for a certain, although issues like technical malfunctions in our production and material issues are some we face every now and then