Black satin weave with nice draping and a clear but subtle luster that makes it look and feel fantastic. Easy iron.
280 customer reviews
"love the shine and feel of the material"
M.J., 2021-12-23
"Juuri sellainen kuin odotin."
J.T., 2021-11-29
"The Black Color fades quickly."
M.W., 2021-10-07
"bij strijken wordt het gemakkelijk glad, maar er ontstaan daarna weer snel kreukels. Er ontstaan bij strijken direct glimmende plekken"
J.V., 2021-09-21
"Fabric feels like it's good quality. Royale black color is bit blueish / reddish black."
J.L., 2021-08-26
"Not as soft as I expected but a very comfortable shirt"
H.W., 2021-08-17
"Så skönt"
B.W., 2021-08-09
"Love the fabric - it is the best"
R.P., 2021-06-30
"Fabric feels very luxurious not to light not to heavy."
G.S., 2021-06-18
M.O., 2021-05-21