Our very popular signature twill in white. A finely woven fabric with great luster for a luxurious look and feel. Made in 100% cotton and is easy to iron.
77 reviews in English.
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"irons well, nice feel"
I.T., 2019-11-07
"very nice fabric"
E.U., 2019-07-05
"Erg dun uitgevoerd, weinig exclusief t.o.v. het voordelige model Erg dun"
H.V., 2019-07-04
"Creases easily"
B.T., 2019-06-10
"Hope it hold up great after a couple of washes."
A.D., 2019-04-18
"Very good"
G.P., 2019-03-11
"Really like the fabric quality and wrinkle resistance"
A.S., 2019-03-04
"fantastic quality fabric with nice discrete shine"
J.V., 2019-02-01
"Fabric quality is high. I love looking like a million bucks without breaking the bank."
E.D., 2019-01-24
"Good for general ware, would go for a slightly better quality if I was warring it to a more high class event."
W.S., 2018-12-31