Klassisk oxfordstoff i hvit farge. Stenvasket for den typisk matte looken og finishen. Et tyngre stoff med en klar struktur som er veldig slitesterkt.
152 kommentarer fra kunder på språket ditt og engelsk
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"The Gandomar fabric is exactly what I was looking for to get work shirts made. This fabric is nearly identical to that used for RL Polo Oxford shirts. Holds a great crease, washes well, and has a great touch. It is 100% cotton, so I recommend adding .5-1” to all measurements for shrinkage."
D.B., 2022-02-24
"love the selection of fabric. I ordered three costume tailored shirts and the Fabric is high quality."
B.S., 2021-12-30
"Great fabric!"
L.A., 2021-11-24
"Stoffet var en del tykkere enn jeg trodde. Vanskelig å vite uten å kjenne på det på forhånd"
S.T., 2021-11-11
"Stof is dun, maar in de zomer ok"
J.V., 2021-08-26
"A little rougher than I was anticipating, but good regardless"
A.H., 2021-08-24
"Excellent fabric"
G.R., 2020-10-07
"Fabric is heavy and looks creased even after ironing"
D.F., 2020-09-25
"The fabric itself was nice. Heavy enough to drape nice, but very breathable - just what I want out of an Oxford Cloth. I rate it low because of the Tailor Store collar options. Oxford cloth shirts traditionally have soft button down collar with a slightly exaggerated roll. The button down classic is the closest thing Tailor Store offers to this. It is a 2.25" collar that sits very flat. I recently purchased a shit from a competitor that has a 3.25" collar with a nice roll to it - much more in line with what I want from an OCBD. I know this isn't strictly a rating for the cloth, but to me this fabric and the collar style I described are a package deal."
F.A., 2020-08-27
"As above with the black shirt"
G.P., 2020-01-28