Vakkert Pinpoint Oxford-tekstil, som har en finere vev enn vanlig Oxford. Veven er tett og faller fint og er svært behagelig å ha på seg.
22 kommentarer fra kunder på språket ditt og engelsk
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"Would have liked a slightly softer fabric, although not hard by any means"
M.H., 2017-07-27
"Trodde det skulle være lettere å stryke"
P.K., 2017-06-09
"Very soft and comfortable"
A.P., 2017-02-15
"Material was good quality."
A.F., 2017-02-09
"Happy with the fabric overall but could be slightly smoother."
S.L., 2016-12-20
"The Huesa fabric is favorable by me."
Y.T., 2016-11-25
"I like the Huesa fabric. Excellent. Too bad there are limited colors. I wish there were also black and navy blue."
Y.T., 2016-11-17
"It could do with being more crease free/easy iron and a black an white pin stripe fabric would be good"
A.R., 2016-05-20
"Sądziłem, że tkanina o te gramaturze będzie grubsza."
M.G., 2016-01-21
"The fabric was soft and smooth. I was concerned before I ordered the shirt that the blue may not appear as it does in the website sample, but I was happily surprised. It was just the shade as it appeared in the listing."
R.R., 2016-01-18