Klassisches Oxford-Gewebe in Weiß. Stonewashed für das typische matte Aussehen und Finish. Dieses schwerere Gewebe hat eine klare Struktur und ist sehr strapazierfähig.
437 Kundenbewertungen
"Tyget känns en aning kraftigt, mer till ett par jeans än en kostym"
C.T., 2021-06-25
"sehr gut"
B.T., 2021-06-22
"Fint men skrynklar sig lätt!"
A.H., 2021-06-15
"se ovan"
A.E., 2021-05-22
"Excellent fabric"
G.R., 2020-10-07
"Fabric is heavy and looks creased even after ironing"
D.F., 2020-09-25
I.W., 2020-09-11
"The fabric itself was nice. Heavy enough to drape nice, but very breathable - just what I want out of an Oxford Cloth. I rate it low because of the Tailor Store collar options. Oxford cloth shirts traditionally have soft button down collar with a slightly exaggerated roll. The button down classic is the closest thing Tailor Store offers to this. It is a 2.25" collar that sits very flat. I recently purchased a shit from a competitor that has a 3.25" collar with a nice roll to it - much more in line with what I want from an OCBD. I know this isn't strictly a rating for the cloth, but to me this fabric and the collar style I described are a package deal."
F.A., 2020-08-27
"Der Stoff ist viel zu dick, nicht bequem und hochwertig."
G.S., 2020-07-31
"Viel zu dicker Stoff, nicht als elegantes Hemd zu verwenden."
M.S., 2020-07-23