Classic oxford weave in white. Stonewashed for the typical matte look and finish. This heavier weave has a clear structure and is very durable.
152 reviews in English.
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"Great fabric."
R.R., 2016-08-04
"Too thick"
R.R., 2016-08-03
"not my favourite fabric"
R.R., 2016-08-01
"Mukavan paksua kangasta. Hieman ryppyinen ja luultavasti melko hankala silittää mutta käy passelisti kasuaalista kauluspaidasta epävirallisempiin ja miksei virallisiinkin tapahtumiin ja juhliin."
R.R., 2016-07-21
"Litt for kraftig stoff etter min smak."
C.B., 2016-07-02
"Comfortable and sufficiently thick not to be transparent."
G.J., 2016-06-24
"Fabric is decently thick and sturdy."
J.P., 2016-06-13
"Bad quality, very hard to iron"
R.R., 2016-06-12
"Stof is erg dik en stug. Erg lastig om goed te strijken. verder solide kwaliteit."
R.R., 2016-05-28
"Off white Hard to iron"
I.S., 2016-05-26