Lækker lilla skjorte i blød bomuldssatin med en let glans. Button-down classic krave og eksklusive knapper af perlemor der skaber en flot kontrast. Nem at stryge. Skræddersyet efter dine mål.
100% Langfibret Bomuld
Mørkelilla satinvævning med flot drapering og en klar, men diskret glans, der får den til at se og føles fantastisk ud. Let at stryge.
36 kundeanmeldelser på dansk og på engelsk.
Vis alle sprog
"very nice"
B.K., 2022-10-21
"Stoffet virker til å ha super kvalitet"
S.K., 2022-10-13
"Love this shirt. Love the fabric. I know this shirt will last years and will stand the test of time."
J.H., 2022-04-16
"The fabric and the overall shirt is awesome."
D.T., 2022-01-10
"good quality, very happy"
O.B., 2021-08-31
"Gewoon mooi."
A.R., 2021-07-23
"The fabric will make you seriously dislike all other shirt fabric you own."
G.W., 2021-02-16
"This fabric is second to none, absolutey luxurious in every way. Wearing a well fit, custom tailored shirt, made with top notch fabric, makes you feel royal. There is just no other way to put it."Pass me the 'Rob Report' please...""
R.L., 2021-02-01
"Love the fabric and the color"
B.F., 2020-10-01
"Beautiful and comfortable"
S.P., 2020-10-01