Lækker lilla skjorte i blød bomuldssatin med en let glans. Button-down classic krave og eksklusive knapper af perlemor der skaber en flot kontrast. Nem at stryge. Skræddersyet efter dine mål.
100% Langfibret Bomuld
Mørkelilla satinvævning med flot drapering og en klar, men diskret glans, der får den til at se og føles fantastisk ud. Let at stryge.
36 kundeanmeldelser på dansk og på engelsk.
Vis alle sprog
"Lækkert stof i en flot farve"
R.R., 2016-04-02
"I love this fabric"
R.R., 2015-11-25
"Great feel - soft satin which wasn't too shiny. Very fine quality fabric used."
G.S., 2015-11-17
"Var noget kraftigere end jeg havde forventet. Eneste minus"
R.R., 2015-06-19
"fabric was a bit shinier than expected, did not look quite like the photo, but nice material anyway."
M.C., 2014-05-20
"The weight of fabric is much lighter than I would have anticipated given the price of the shirt. I know one is paying for the made-to-measure as much as anything but the shirt did feel a little less substantial than I had hoped. Short of requesting swatches of fabric I'm not sure how one gets around this but it will not put me off ordering another shirt from you."
M.C., 2014-04-28